In some cases, it may be required to add further participants to a dynamic SNAP survey after the survey has already been sent out. This guide provides the steps to do this for your survey.

  1. Take the original participant list spreadsheet, and add the additional participants. Save and close the file.
  2. Open the survey on the SNAP 11 desktop app.
  3. Go to 'File' -> 'Database Links'.
  4. Select the Database link for the participants.
  5. Click Run, then OK.
  6. Save the file to your project folder. This will create a zip file containing a data file of all the participants.
  7. Login to the SNAP Webhost.
  8. Open the survey.
  9. Go to the Respondents tab.
  10. Click on ‘Upload respondents’ (top right of the tab).
  11. Click on ‘Choose File’ and select the zip file you just created.
  12. On the ‘Upload respondents action:’ drop-down, select ‘Add’.
  13. Click on ‘Upload Archive’.
  14. Click ‘Close’.
  15. Check that the new people are on the Respondents list.
  16. The system will send them an invite and reminders. It may take a short while (~20 mins) before the initial invite is sent.

If you require more information, advice or support please email us at [email protected]