University Devices
  • Staff and PGRs from the Business School can install this software on their university device. 

  • Pre-authorisation is required from the Business School. 

  • Request via the Service desk, providing your details and the device's asset tag (UoA sticker number e.g. MD-000001)
  • Once authorised, the software will be made available via the Software Centre. 

Personal Devices
  • EViews has a free light version. 
  • This is available for students (UG and PGT) to install on their personal devices. 
  • Students can download and install it from this link.


Access via the VDI*
  • EViews is available for use remotely via the vClassroom using the VDI*
  • To access this software, log into the VDI and connect to the virtual desktop called "vClassroom"
  • Navigate to the Arts and Social Sciences>Business School folder, and click on EViews.

 * See Toolkit Guide on how to use the VDI